Sunday, February 28, 2010

In Hot Water

If you have ever watched just 10 minutes of the  Olympics, then you understand the power of a dream.  Don’t underestimate how dreaming in vivid colors (while you’re awake!)  can define the quality of your life.
For many of us, setting goals is a standard practice in our business.  But how many of us set out to see our DREAMS  become reality?
Remember when we were kids?  We were told we could be and do anything we wanted.  The sky was the limit.  We didn’t know how we were going to get there but we knew what we wanted.  We heard it over and over again, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it”.  Then we became an adult.  And somewhere around the age of 21, we started hearing “wake up kid and welcome to the real world.”  We were brainwashed to believe that “Dreamers” just had their heads in the clouds!  We were told to think negatively about the Dreamers because they were not focused on success.
Well, I can tell you that I have woken up and I know that my dreams ARE the key to my success!  That is my real world.  I belive that Dreamers design their life and then act to make those dreams come true.  They believe that anything is possible.   They are inspired by those dreams to be and do their best.
Are you a dreamer?  Do you allow yourself to think BIG?  What would your life look like if you were living each day to make your dreams a reality?  What are your dreams?  We all have them, but sometimes we try to talk ourselves right out of the dream.  As if we don’t believe it is possible.
How do you recognize your dream?  First, take a look at your life as it is today.  Where do you find your joy?  Everything you do should be aimed at making yourself happy.  Your level of happiness should not be measured by what you have but rather by who you are.  You have to believe that you have the right to be happy and your dreams often hold the key to that happiness.  Focus more on your possibilities and less on your limitations.  Share your dreams.  Talk about them.  You have more support than you can imagine.  You might also discover other Dreamers in your midst!
Wake up and start dreaming!  As funny as it might sound at first, you certainly know what I mean.  Wake up to the power you have to create the life of your dreams – to create your future through everything you think, feel, say and do.  Your choices will design your life.  Tremendous freedom comes from discovering our true self.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Power Of A Vision Board

Why not create a Vision Board?
What is it? A dream or vision board is a way of creating a visual representation of a goal(s).  It gives you something tangible to focus on.  This can help you strive towards it.
Why is it important? When working towards a goal, it is really important to have something to visualize.  A dream board makes your dreams and goals physically present.  Looking at your dream board every day will build more energy towards those goals.  You will enforce your desires and arrange your priorities.  Whether your dream is of financial freedom, your dream home, dream car, your dream vacation, spiritual growth, or getting to the next level in your business it belongs on the board where you will see it everyday and envision yourself having already achieved it and living out that dream!
How to create a dream board? Purchase a bulletin board, magnetic board or poster board.  Personally, my dream board is a bulletin board.  It makes it easy to add and remove images as I accomplish them.
1. First, take a moment and reflect on your goals.  Think of all aspects of your life such as health, spiritual, family, fitness, travel, career, and financial.    2.  Collect an assortment of magazines covering different topics.  You could also use personal photos of things that are important to you and the core reason you have dreams.    3.  Cut out specific images that appeal to you visually and apply to your dreams and goals.   4.  Look for keywords that apply too.  Words that describe your wants, thoughts and beliefs.  Paste or pin all of these on your dream board.
Make your board appealing visually!  Use bright colors and vivid images.  Then be sure to hang it somewhere that you can see it daily and often.  Look at it for at least 5 minutes twice a day and imagine yourself leading the life you see in those pictures!
This is an awesome project to do with your children!  Let them imagine who they want to be.  Is it to be a doctor or a star soccer player?  Encourage them to use positive words and pictures to boost self-esteem.  Then they can hang it in their room and look at it everyday!